Find out how the People’s Postcode Lottery has helped us….

This year, we were delighted to have been awarded funding of £7500 from the People’s Postcode Lottery, enabling us to run drama workshops and sessions for the members of our Independence and Wellbeing Centre. Facilitated by Spectacle Theatre Company, we are thrilled that the workshops have been so well received and that so many of our service users are finding them beneficial.

This video, created by Mertens Photography, tells us more about the workshops and the way in which they have helped. We’d like to say a huge thank you to the People’s Postcode Lottery and to everyone at Spectacle Theatre Company for making these sessions possible.

Postcode Community Trust is a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of
People’s Postcode Lottery. Check out their webpages now:
Postcode Community Trust
People Postcode Lottery